MAY 30, 2013 (wow, over a year ago!)
1. Write your thoughts in a journal, if you’re angry write down what made you angry and screw it up or burn it. It can be fun to keep a journal to look back to in years. I have a 10 year one!
2. Read your favourite magazine or book (or buy one!) and sit on your bed and read it with a cup of tea (or maybe coffee if you’re American)
3. Do something nice for someone without them or anyone else knowing you did it. Sometimes seeing someone smile is nice enough, that you don’t even need to tell them you did it – cute I know.
4. Get up early and watch the sunrise. Instagram it if you’re a cool kid.
5. Go for a walk to some nearby parks or flower gardens. Take photos or just relax.
6. Treat yourself to breakfast
7. Treat yourself to lunch
8. Spray your bed with lavender so you can sleep better surrounded by the wonderful smell (cute)
9. Make a bowl full of your favourie fruits and eat them as you watch your favourite TV show (my personal favourites are watermelon….all types, oranges and grapes)
10. Daydream about what you’d do if you won the lottery, then imagine it happening. Maybe all that wishful thinking will pay off.
11. Go to your nearest big city (like I live in Wakefield but it’s crap so I go twice as far to Leeds) and go on a shopping trip, buy some nice clothes, shoes, CD’s, books, whatever, then you can spend your time listening to the CD’s, trying on the clothes, reading the books – fab!
12. Make a list of 100 things you want to do by this time next year, and do 2 every week.
13. Take up a new hobby or activity. Watch video tutorials on Youtube and learn for a few days, if you enjoy it, you can continue doing it and become an expert!
14. Run a nice hot bath and just relax.
15. Learn a foreign language, maybe for somewhere you plan to go within the next few years. In my sidebar there is ‘hello’ written in a random language!
16. Make a chocolate fondue, complete with fruit and marshmallows, yum!
17. Try something new!
18. Go to a book store and find a few new books, then come home and read them next to the fire.
19. Go to the shop and buy tonnes of biscuits, then have a tea party all day long!
20. Do something artsy, like draw or paint. If you’ve ever gone to an art gallery you’ll see that anything can be art, no matter how simple or messy it may look!
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